When is the Right Time to go Back Home? “There is no place like home, there is no place like home”. Oops!! I forgot I’m not Dorothy of the Wizard of Oz and I don’t have the ruby slippers. She could go to Kansas as long as she can rub the slippers and wish for home but for us OFWs it’s not just rubbing shoes and voila! “Home” we will be, no it doesn’t work that way as there lots of things to consider. One way or the other, every Filipino outside the country has felt the same way. When the going gets tough, home is where we want to be. To be with the family that will comfort, understand and would try to appease our emotional turmoil. When is the right time to go home for good? What does it take to be able to have a decent means of living back in the Philippines? How many more years an OFW must bear to realize what he/she has dreamed of achieving in deciding to go abroad? These are the questions which aren’t that easy to answer. It really depends on the individual concern. When...
OFWs Philippine's Modern Day Heroes (Bagong Bayani): Their journeys,the struggles,and the triumphs of Filipinos working in different parts of the World.