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Showing posts from December 4, 2011

So It is Christmas

Image via Wikipedia Christmas is around the corner as they say. I cannot spot on the right corner though; I’ve been looking for four straight years now and it’s seems that I couldn’t really find it in here. Celebrating Christmas away from home, family and friends is the most difficult part of being an OFW. Yeah, I could party with friends, I could drink the night away, and I can dance for all I care but deep inside, there is an empty space. The longing for my family, laughs of my kids and the warm embrace of my wife. All I can do is be with the moment, convince myself that I am happy. Half-truth laughs can be handy as I hide my sadness. Oh well, at least back home, they can celebrate Christmas and a call to them would lessen the pain of not being there. (I hope Telecommunication Networks will do great this year). Every Christmas and every New Year, I only have one wish “I hope next year I will celebrate the holidays with my family”. Four years made me forget how it feels to celebrat