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Blindness That We call Politics

We are born blind and as days passed by we begin to see but unfortunately for others they remain blind until they die.

Technical blindness is the inability of the eye to have visions and in some instances curable, but the other type is much more annoying and worst as the eye can see but the brain denies it. The latter is very common in the Philippines and we call the people with this condition POLITICIANS.

According to a study conducted by an unlicensed Neurologist, the problem is mainly caused by “GREED”. Dr. Juan de la Cruz said that as GREED enter the system of a particular person, they will tend to see only through their guts and starts to change their DIET, POWER for RICE and PRIVILEGE for DISH, and worst their appetite will increase dramatically as that of a CROCODILE. The expert also found out that this disease can be inherited, passing it to their children and sometimes even to their family in-laws, Dr. Cruz calls this phenomenon “POLITICAL DYNASTY”.

The report also categorized the sickness according to its GRAVITY. It will start from Kapitan which main manifestation is called “ghostprojects” then to Alkalde which main aggression is on commissions on projects and “ghostemployees”. Governador has almost have the same symptoms as the first two only more massive, Mambabatas and Senador are more fond of pork “porkbarrel” it doesn’t matter if it’s cooked or raw, and the most acute of them all is the Pangulo as it manifests all the symptoms of all the categories and has no chance of being cured even ultra violet rays has no effect.

This report is so alarming that people from the Philippines are all planning to migrate to any possible country that welcomes them. And anyone who is found to have the copy of the said report will be tagged as enemy of the state and be persecuted as a terrorist.

My only hope that on the next research Dr. Cruz will be able to find a magic cure for this devastating disease as it does not causes trouble for the host but to all the people around them.


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