Looking back, before Facebook, Twitter and Youtube became giants, blogging was the thing and oh, the now forgotten MySpace and Friendsters. The term "social media" back then was not as popular as it is now and not as potent. Then came in the time of Facebook becoming an essential for most people to keep in touch with friends, old acquaintances and even long lost friends who would have remained lost if not for the reach of the platform.
Facebook heralded a new kind of communication with its innovative features although borrowed from its predecessors and improved a lot as mobile devices such as cellphones and tablets became more affordable. There are now an estimated 3.8 billion of smartphone users in the world according to Statistica.com hence, information dissemination has never been this so effective. The artificial intelligence these giant social media companies have developed and implemented are so comprehensive that targeting the intended audience has never this precise.
Personally I use Facebook to motivate people in life. I believe in the power of words, it can make or destroy someone and chose to do the former in my own little ways. I write inspirational poems on my blog and I used my FB page in sharing my works.
Youtube on the other hand can be a good tool for educating and sharing of information. I am actually in the process of research on how to make educational videos effective and entertaining at the same time as human attention span is shrinking, creators must find ways in making their contents engaging to keep the audience from leaving.
The future of communication is so great and I am one of those that are excited and optimistic in using these great tools so to promote positive impact on our young generations. It may be wishful thinking but I have been doing my part now for the last 12 years as a blogger and social media has just made it easier for me to communicate in real time.
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